
On Premise Solution

Small Business phone system delivers so much more today than just a dial tone and voicemail.
Today, a small business phone system is increasingly part of a converged network— an Internet Protocol (IP) network that seamlessly ties together voice, data, video conferencing, wireless, instant messaging, and other business-critical communications tools and applications.
Small businesses are taking up such systems at an increasing rate giving them a completive edge and often cost saving.
The solution is becoming a lot more affordable with the advances in fast broadband connections, and on premise is the right solution for certain businesses.
On-premise can result in lower monthly cost compared to a cloud solution for businesses over a certain size.
It also allows for easier and cost effective integration with other IT components like door Entry and IP CCTV solution.

Nivacom specialised in providing an on-premise VoIP solution with a large choice of handset for telephony, door entry, and IP based CCTV using the Grand stream portfolio. We firstly work as consultants for you to get the best possible solution working in your interest.
Nivacom will get clear setup of requirements for what needs to be done, provide professional service with certified Engineers for:
• Solution design
• Deployment
• Grandstream Product training and
• On-going support and maintenance
The solution would be provided with SIP trunks and limited set of analogue trunks to support failover and/or specialist analogue devices. In addition, there are options for mobile client to provide more flexibility and resilience.
Large range of software solution available with the Grandstream product range at no additional license cost.
Nivacom specialises in providing the Grandsteam family of products that are designed to satisfy all your IT and telecom needs including wifi, door entry and cctv.
Having on premise PBX gives user control to create, adjust and delete users as desired without impact on monthly costs
New feature sets can be added without any license fees
VoIP trunks can be added costly effective; for example capability to make 5 concurrent calls would cost £60 + vat included landline and mobile calls.
Click on the line below to provide us with some details so we can further explain the solution and start a dialogue as to how we can improve your business communications (contact us form)

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